Familystudies such as Gottesman show that riskincreases with geneticsimilarity to a familymember with schizophrenia
Adoptionstudies ie Tienari et al show that biological children of parents with schizophrenia are at heightenedrisk even if they growup in an adoptive family
This shows that some people are more vulnerable to schizophrenia as a result of their genetic make-up
Clearevidence to show that environmentalfactors also increase the risk of developing schizophrenia
Environmental factors include biological and psychological influences
Bio risk factors: birthcomplications (Morgan et al)
Psych factors: childhoodtrauma which leaves them vulnerable to adultmentalhealth problems now there's evidence for a link with schizo
Morkved et al 67% of people with schizo and relatedpsychoticdisorders reported at least onechildhoodtrauma as opposed to 38% of a matched group with non-psychotic issues
Genetics alonecannot provide a complete explanation