The process in which energy is released from the molecules of food which u eat
where does respiration happen
in the mitochondria of the cell
aerobic respiration involves oxygen and is more efficient as all of the food is broken down to release energy
What is the formula for aerobic respiration
Glucose+oxygen~carbon dioxide+water
The glucose is transported to the cells in the blood plasma
the oxygen is transported to the cells in red blood cells by binding with haemoglobin
Carbon dioxide is a waste product and is transported from the cells to the lungs to be exhaled
What is anaerobic respiration?
A type of respiration which doesn’t use oxygen and is used when the body cannot supply the cells with enough oxygen
Anaerobic respiration releases less energy than aerobic respiration
what is the formula for anaerobic respiration
glucose~lactic acid
what does the lactic acid produced do
can cause muscle cramps
what is oxygen debt
the build up of lactic acid when there isn’t enough oxygen present in the blood supply to break it down
what is fermentation
fermentation is a type of anaerobic respiration which occurs in yeast
instead of producing lactic acid yeast produces ethanol which is a type of alcohol
what is the formula for fermentation
Glucose~ethanol+carbon dioxide
What can the process of fermentation be used for
Can be used to form alcohol to drink or to allow bread and cakes to rise
how do nitrates help plant growth
It is used for healthy growth and if there isn’t enough the plant grows poorly and the leaves turn yellow
how do phosphates help plant growth
it provides healthy roots and without it there will be poor growth and the younger leaves will look purple
How does potassium help plant growth
It provides the plant with healthy leaves and flowers and without it and there would be yellow leaves with dead patches
How does magnesium help plant growth?
It makes chlorophyll and without it the leaves will turn yellow
What is photosynthesis
The process which occurs in chloroplasts to produce glucose using sunlight
What is the formula for photosynthesis?
Water+carbon dioxide+sunlight~glucose+oxygen
What is a producer
Any organism that can use photosynthesis to produce its own food is known as producer
What is the rate of photosynthesis affected by
light intensity
carbon dioxide concentration
temperature-when photosynthesis reaches its highest rate of temperature the rate of photosynthesis will be less
what are the adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis
they are thin to allow most of the light through
there is a lot of chlorophyll to absorb light
they have a large surface area to absorb as much light as possible
What is stomata?
Tiny holes found on the bottom surface of the leaf which allows gases to diffuse in and out of the leaf. The carbon dioxide diffuse in and oxygen and water vapour diffuse out
What are the two main layers of the leaf
The palisade layer which sre cells packed will cells containing chloroplasts where photosynthesis occurs
The Spongy layer which contains air spaced allowing carbon dioxide to diffuse throughout the leaf and oxygen diffusing out of the leaf
how is glucose transported to cells
In the blood plasma
What product in fermentation allows it to rise
Carbon dioxide which trapped inside the dough as air bubbles
What are four adaptations of a leaf for photosynthesis
Lots of chlorophyll large surface area thin and has veins