The Nervous System

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  • Central Nervous System (CNS)
    • Consists of the brain and spinal cord
    • In mammals, the CNS is connected to the body by sensory neurones and motmor neurones
  • Sensory Neurones
    • Carry information as electrical impulses from the receptors to the CNS
  • Motor Neurones
    • Carry electrical impulses from the CNS to the effectors
  • Effectors
    • All the muscles and glands, which respond to nervous impulses
  • Receptors are cells which detect stimuli. They can form part of larger, more complex organs.
  • Effectors respond to the nervous impulses and bring about a change
  • Synapses are a connection between two neurones. The signal is transferred by chemicals which defuse across the gap. This chemicals then set off a new electrical signal in the next neurone
  • Reflexes are a rapid unconscious response to stimuli
  • Reflex Arc
    • Stimulus
    • Receptor
    • Sensory neurone
    • Relay neurone, in the CNS via a synapse
    • Motor neurone
    • Effector
    • Response