Reaction Time

Cards (5)

  • Reaction time is the time it takes to respond to a stimulus
  • Caffine can be used to speed up a person's reaction time
  • Method
    • Person should sit with their arm resting on the table
    • Hold a ruler vertically between their thumb and forefinger
    • The 'zero' end should be level with their fingers
    • Let go randomly and measure the distance, this is their reaction time
    • Repeat three times and find a mean distance which the ruler fell
    • Give the person a caffinated drink and wait 10 minutes before repeating the experiment
  • Control variables
    • Make sure the same person is being tested each time
    • Use the same had to catch the ruler
    • Ruler should always be dropped from the same height
    • Make sure they haven't consumed any caffine before the experiment
  • Reaction time can be recorded with a computer. They give a more precise reaction time as they remove any possibility of human error. They can also give a more accurate measurement as they can record it in milliseconds