Endoctrine System

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  • Endoctrine System - composed of glands and cells that secrete hormones and critical for maintaining homeostasis
  • Hormones - chemical messenger, secreted by endoctrine glands or tissues into blood
  • Pituitary Gland - small gland in the brain controlled by hypothalamus and secretes at least 6 hormones
  • Giantism - Too much Growth hormone
  • Dwarfism - little growth hormone
  • Luteinizing (LH) - in female it promotes ovulation and progesterone production
  • Luteinizing (LH) - in male it is sperm production and testosterone
  • Follicle-Stimulating (FSH) - for female it is follicle maturation and estrogen secretion
  • Follicle-Stimulating (FSH) - sperm production
  • Prolactin - milk production
  • Oxytocin - increases uterine contractions during labor
  • Diabetes insipidus - kidneys to produce large amounts of dilute (watery) urine and can lead to dehydration and thirst
  • Thyroid Gland - controls metabolism or metabolic rate
  • Hypothyrodism - decreased metabolism, weight gains, reduced appetite, dry and cold skin
  • Hyperthyrodism - increased in metabolism, weight loss, increased appetite and nervousness, highter temp and pulse
  • Parathyroid Gland (PTH) - regulates blood calcium levels by stimulation the breakdwn of bone
  • Adrenal Gland - located on the top of kidneys and secrete hormones like cortisol aldestosterone
  • Epinephrine / Norepinephrine - released as part of flight or fight response
  • Aldosterone - casuses sodium and water to be retained and potassium to be secreted
  • Cortisol - increases breakdown of fat and protein for energy uses and reduces inflammatory and immune response
  • Androgens - male secondary sexual hormones/ chracteristic
  • Pancreas - organ in abdomen produces enzymes that help digest food and regulates blood glucose levels
  • Insulin - A hormone produced by the pancreas that lowers blood glucose levels
  • Type 1 Diabetes - insulin-dependent, pancreas produces little or no insulin
  • Type 2 Diabietes - Insulin Resistance/independet - Insufficient insulin produced by the pancreas
  • Glucagon - A hormone that increases the breakdown of glycogen into glucose
  • Testes - produce sperm and testosterone, located in the scrotum / Testosterone
  • Ovaries - produce estrogen and progesterone, which control the menstrual cycle
  • Testosterone - male sex hormone, responsible for male characteristics, such as aggression and sexual desire
  • Thymosin - promotes immune system development and function
  • Melatonin - a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. Plays a role in onset of puberty and controls circadian rhytns
  • 100-120 days - What is the lifespan of a typical red blood cell
  • Antidiuretic Hormone - stimulates the kidneys to conserve water, helps regulate water balance in the body by reducing urine production
  • Baroreceptor reflex - name of reflex that helps maintain blood pressure by adjusting heart rate and stroke volume
  • Bile - produced by the liver that helps to emulsify fats
  • Epididymis - structure in the male reproductive system that stores and matures sperm cells
  • Epinephrine - hormone increase heart rate and stroke volume
  • Erythropoietin - stimulates the production of red blood cells
  • Esophagus - muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach
  • Estrogen - hormone that is responsible for mentrual cycle