ppts taking part consented to this and agreed to take part in the PET scans
Uni of California approved the study in line with APA guidelines
HOWEVER, some argue that due to the nature of the plea in the NGRI group, they weren't able to give their full valid consent
Weakness - Ethical/Social
Socially sensitive
findings may be misinterpreted by society who may think brain activity drives them to kill and that violence is out of their control
Raine in his conclusions was clear that it doesn't mean this but once the study is published there no control on how people view and it will always be misused
this may lead to people labelling others with brain dysfunction as 'murderers' or people seeing brain scans as a way of diagnostic
Weakness - Social
Legal system
more common for courts to use brain scans as evidence
Raine was clear in his conclusions that abnormalities are pre-disposing factors only, other factors may play an influence
also clear that this does not mean NGRI offenders are not responsible not imply brain scans should be used as diagnosis
negative implications if they are not regulated within the court room
Strength - Social
Legal system
findings may affect the punishment systems
if violent behaviour is related to brain activity, it is unlikely that prisons will rehabilitate offenders
this could mean that violent prisoners are transferred to another prison which poses a risk of harm to other staff or prisoners
Raine's research suggests that there needs to be alternative interventions and programmes in place to help those violent prisoners