A style Questions

Cards (9)

  • Censorship:
    • The practice of controlling, limiting or supressing access to materials considered to be offensive or a threat to social security. This can include restricting what people say in the press or in media.
    • E.g The UN Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to express their opinions freely however if these views cause harm or offence, government may censor that information.
  • Discrimination:
    • Discrimination refers to the act of treating a group or individual differently. It is based on a prejudice one may have.
    • E.g. The Holocaust
  • Human Rights:
    • Human rights are the rights to basic things we need in order to exist and things that all humans are entitled to, simply because they are human.
    • E.g The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all people have the right to education.
  • Extremism:
    • Extremism is believing in, supporting or acting upon ideas that are very far from what most people consider to be correct or reasonable.
    • E.g The 9/11 terrorist attack in New York
  • Personal Conviction:
    • A strong personal belief that someone has
    • E.g Martin Luther King believed in equal rights for a black person
  • Prejudice:
    • The belief that someone is inferior to superior to yourself without cause.
    • E.g Racism
  • Relative Poverty:
    • The state in which people do not have access to the same resources that are considered essential needs in their society.
    • E.g In the UK, someone could be considered to be in relative poverty if they could not afford a TV, fridge etc...
  • Absolute Poverty:
    • The extreme state in which a person does not have access to the most basic human needs and is therefore in a state of deprivation.
    • E.g Someone who cannot afford food, water and has no home or shelter
  • Social Justice:
    • The practice of promoting a fair society by challenging injustice and valuing equality and diversity. It aims to ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities and human rights.
    • E.g A christian who fought for social justice was Martin Luther King.