The Endocrine System

Cards (22)

  • Hormones are chemical messengers which travel in the blood to other parts of the body.
  • Hormones are secreted in various glands in the body
  • Pituritary gland
    • Produces many hormones which regulate body conditions
    • Produces FSH, LH and ADH
  • Ovaries
    • Produce oestrogen and progesterone
  • Testes
    • Produce testosterone
  • Thyroid
    • Produces thyroxine
  • Adrenal gland
    • Produces adrenaline
  • Pancreas
    • Produces insulin and glucagon
  • Adrenaline- Increases heart rate and prepares the body for 'flight or fight'
  • Thyroxine - Regulates the metabolic rate, heat rate and temperature
  • Insulin - Lowers glucose by turning it into glycogen
  • Glucagon - Converts glycogen into glucose, increasing blood sugar
  • ADH - Controls the permability of water collecting duct
  • Testosterone - Controls male puberty and sperm production
  • FSH - stimulates the release of an egg from the ovaries
  • LH - Causes the egg to mature and develop
  • Nerves
    • Very fast action
    • Act for a very short time
    • Act on a precise area
  • Hormones
    • Slower action
    • Act for a long time
    • Act ini a more general way
  • Type 1 diabetes
    • Pancreas produces little to no insulin
    • Often need insulin injections to control the glucose
    • Very effective treatment
    • Depends on the diet and how active they are
    • Can be limited with intake of food and excercise
  • Type 2 diabetes
    • Person becomes resistant to theur own insulin
    • Risk can be increased with obesity and died
  • Adrenaline
    • Released in stressful or scary situations
    • Brain detects fear or stress and sends nervous impulses to the adrenal glands
    • Increases supply of glucose and oxygen to the cells in the brain and muscles by increasing heart rate
  • Thyroxine
    • Regulates metabolism