Cards (15)

  • stomata are tiny holes that allow gases to pass through them
  • the epidermis is the outer layer
  • the cuticle is waterproof, waxy coating on top of the epidermis
  • xylem transports water from roots upwards
  • phloem transports sugars downward
  • chlorophyll absorbs light, and pigments the leaf green.
  • transpiration is when water evaporates out of the leaf
  • the stock attaches the leaf to the plant
  • the veins carry water to the cells in the leaf, and help to support the leaf
  • leafs are thin, for light to reach all the cells
  • the waxy cuticle stops the leaf from drying out
  • the upper epidermis protects the cells in the leaf
  • the palisade layer is rectangular and contains cells which mostly photosynthesize
  • the lower epidermis protects the cells in the leaf, and contains stomata
  • guard cells control whether or not the stomata open