Investigated effectiveness of employment programmes for Canadian prisoners: offenders were (1) shown techniques for how to look for employment, (2) given individual psychometric assessments and (3) given on-the-job placements
23, 525 individuals on conditional release (e.g. parole) between January 1998 and January 2005
Of there 95% were male and 5% were female
Quasi experiment in which the IV was whether the released offenders had been on an employment programme or not
Main DV was whether they successfully completed their conditional release period in the community (e.g. without reoffending)
The study had a matched groups design (with offenders being matched on variables such a gender, risk level, year of release, sentence length, family/marital relations and substance abuse)
Employment programme group - 70% completed conditional release without reoffending
55% of those not in the program did not reoffend
Median time taken to go back to prison was also longer (37 months vs 11 months)