Cards (7)

  • 1.Creativity
  • creativity- •Entrepreneurs need to be creative people, it helps when designing or inventing new products or services
    •New products onto the market need to be more creative in the ways that they add value to stand out from the established products
  • hard work- •Starting a business can mean hard work.  Some entrepreneurs will put 100s of hours into their own business to get it off the group and may have to continue working long hours to get the business established
    •This can include time working on the website, on social media, selling to customers, developing products, or even just thinking about the next move
  • resilience- •Resilience means the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties
    •An entrepreneur may get many ‘knock backs’ before their business is a success
    •There may be problems with finding suppliers
    •They may have difficulties getting the right staff
    •Sales may be slow when a business first opens
  • imitative- •Many entrepreneurs may start a business because they have a good idea and want to take it to market
  • self confidence •Self-confidence is how an entrepreneur feels about their own abilities.
    •It is easy for an entrepreneur to become frustrated and give up if they lack self-confidence in their own ability and in their products and services
  • risk taking- •Entrepreneurs who want to start their own business will need to be able to take a risk
    •There is a risk of leaving a secure job to start up on your own
    •There is also a financial risk of losing any money that is put into the business, if the business fails