
Cards (68)

  • Maudsley test

    lateral epicondylitis
    resisted extension of 3rd finger
  • for posteriorly rotated innominate stretch what?
    anterioroly rotated?
    hip extensors
    hip flexors
  • right superior vs inferior gluteal nerve
    superior = hip abduction (glute medius)
    inferior = hip extension (glute maximus)
  • the 3 hamstring muscle contract eccentrically during which phase of gait?
    terminal swing
    (hamstrings on stretch in extension)
  • TOLL
    tibia in open chain goes laterally to lock for screw home mechanism (medially to unlock)

    *in closed chain femur moves
    *femur moves laterally in closed chain to unlock
    *femur moves medially in closed chain to lock
  • shoulder rotators
    SALT UT: serratus anterior, lower trap, upper trap
    LOVE RHAMIN: levator scapulae, rhomboids, pec minor
  • Functional Independence Measure (FIM)

    7- I
    6- ModI
    5- S
    4- Min
    3- Mod
    2- Max
    1- Dependent
  • neuropraxia
    comes backsia- least severe
    ex: stinger (focal damage) takes longer to heal
    severing; needs surgery; WORST
  • axonal regeneration post injury important thing to remember?
    it doesn't go back to normal! ever
  • medication risk factors for polyneuropathy?
    Bone or cartilage
    Example: elbow extension

    Soft tissue approximation
    Example: elbow flexion

    Capsular and ligamentous stretching
    Example: shoulder flexion
  • thumb movements
    flexion: thumb moves towards ulnar side (ulnar roll)
    extension: thumb moves towards radial side (radial roll)
    *slide the same
    abduction: thumb moves into "v" shape (volar roll)
    adduction: thumb moves closer to hanD (dorsal roll)
    *slide opposite
    -restricted motions
    -dense adhesive fibrosis/scarring in ?
    chronic inflammation may be seen in (3)
    Restricted AROM and PROM
    rotator cuff, biceps tendon, and synovial tissue
    2 common diseases?
    resolves with?
    pattern of loss?
    Ages 40-65 years; females;
    commonly associated with DM and thyroid disease,
    resolves on its own;
    capsular pattern loss (ER, abd, IR)
    Increase ROM with GH mobilizations; may
    need closed manipulation under
  • hip capsular pattern?
    flexion, abduction, IR
  • knee capsular pattern?
    flexion, extension
  • landmarks for measuring pec minor tightness with tape measure
    coracoid process and 4th rib
  • say the roll and slide
    GH flexion
    1. roll anterior; slide posterior
    2. roll posterior; slide anterior
    3. roll superior; slide inferior
    4.roll inferior; slide superior
    5. roll anterior; slide posterior
    6. roll posterior; slide anterior

    *remember roll is what the distal end is doing
  • rate product pressure
    HR X SBP
  • cardiac output
    HR x stroke volume
  • heart rate and cardiac output increase?

    as your heart rate goes up so does your cardiac output
  • BP changes with exercise
    systolic- increases
    DBP- stays constant (within 10)
  • blood pressure guidelines
    Normal: less than 120/80
    Elevated: 120-129; less than 80
    Stage 1: 130-139; 80-89
    Stage 2: at least 140; at least 90 mm hg
  • SNS vs PNS

    "No Sympathy for a Pair of Aces"
    Fight or flight vs Rest and Digest

    nor-epinephrine= SNS
    PNS = Acetylcholine
  • elevation - first date nerves

    HR, CO, BP, SV changes
    HR, CO, BP increases
    stroke volume doesn't change
  • aquatic therapy changes to vital signs
    everything decreases except CO, SV, venous return
  • A PT MAKES 2245 a week
    aortic= 2nd IC space
    pulmonic= 2nd (left)
    tricuspid = 4th
    mitral = 5th
  • S3 and S4 associated with
    S3- CHF
    S4- MI/hypertension
  • lub vs dub (closing or opening)
    lub = closing of bicuspid and tricuspid valces

    dub = closing of aortic and pulmonary valves
  • cerebrum vs cerebellum
    big brain/ small brain below
  • brain stem structures
    midbrain, pons, medulla
  • frontal lobe is like A CEO
    A: apraxia/aphasia
    C: controls plan, programming, movement
    E: emotional/ behavioral control (personality)
    O: olfaction
  • broca vs wernicke's aphasia
    broca- frontal lobe, inability to speak
    treatment: use yes/no questions

    wernicke's- temporal lobe, inability to understand
    treatment: gesture and demo
  • other names for broca's and wernicke's
    BEN has broca (broca, expressive, non fluent aphasia)

    WARF salad (wernicke's aphasia, receptive, fluent)
  • temporal lobe affects what 3 things
    aphasia (wernicke's)
    language comprehension

    *temporal lobe is right above the ears so it helps with hearing and understanding
  • left hemisphere holds what center??
  • parietal lobe- unilateral neglect
    what side most commonly affected?
    neglecting side opposite of affect (shaving only one side, drawing 1/2 of clock)

    R side normally causes the neglect

    ex: R parietal lobe affected --> L side neglect
  • CN number and pairs
    24 CNs
    12 pairs
  • CN names
    ooo to touch and feel very green vaginas AH
    1. Olfactory
    2. Optic
    3. Oculomotor
    4. Trochlear
    5. Trigeminal
    6. Abducens
    7. Facial
    8. Vestibulocochlear
    9. Glossopharyngeal
    10. Vagus
    11. Accessory
    12. Hypoglossal