Business context

Cards (38)

  • The benefits of a digital project will often involve the system being more efficient, giving users a better experience, or allowing for better communication
  • The drawbacks of a digital project will often be a risk of technical problems, higher maintenance, and data privacy concerns
  • Digital projects have 3 main aspects that limit it?
    Risks constraints dependencies
  • THe risks of a project are problems that may occur, and are generally considered when they can cause the whole system to fail
  • Contraints of a project are known to exist and limit the scope of the project
  • Dependencies are where some part of a project relies on something else
  • 4 types of dependency are?
    Mandatory discretionary
    External internal
  • 3 forms of digital value that a company are?
    Supporting current systems and business operations
    Situational analysis for decision making
    Engaging with stakeholders better.
  • Engaging with stakeholders is communicating with stakeholders
  • Decision making can be boosted with tech, allowing a company to grow in the correct places. Therefore the company can expand
  • Supporting current systems and business operations is a form of digital value, in which tech can either improve the capabilities of a system such as a booking system, or business operations like stock control
  • The two types of factors for change are?
    Planned unplanned
  • 4 examples of planned for factors for change?
    Additional features
    Adoption of new technologies
  • 2 examples of unforseen factors for change?
    Data corruption
  • The change management process begins with the submission of a RFC, but what does RFC stand for?
    request for change
  • WHy is an RFC done?
    To ensure the that the change is necessary, by considering its scope and goals
  • Communicating risks and potential impact to stakeholders helps to assess the risks and impact of a change on stakeholder. Therefore whenever making a change communication with stakeholders is important
  • Change management 4 main steps?
    Identify the change
    Request the change
    COmmunicate with stakeholders
    Make the change
  • There are 4 main types of technical change implementations, to remember the shorthand?
    ParPil DirPha
  • ParPil DirPha stands for?
  • Parallel is implementing a change, alongside the current system. This makes it more flexible to change.
  • Phased is implementing change in fully functional increments. It is best for complex changes, as it allows for testing of each increment.
  • Direct is implementing change in a single action. This leads to no testing and therefore is quick and risky.
  • Pilot involves fully testing the complete change in an isolated environment, that is representative of the end environment. This is great for testing and making adjustments, especially at scale.
  • Rollback is when a change is reversed, and old systems are restored. This can be essential so whenever a plan is made it must be considered.
  • Reproducibility of performance is ensuring that the rolled out change acts as planned.
  • Traceability of requirements, is where the requirements of the change that were outlined in RFC are met throughout the changes development lifecycle
  • 3 common factors of technical change are:
    Productivity, can be increased by new tools, however it is decreased by the learning curve
    Security, can be increased by storing data remotely reducing physical vulnerabilities, however the connection to the internet can pose a vulnerability in of itself
    Communication, can be increased due to speed of digital communication, however this can lead to a blur between personal and work life
  • Technical change is always documented to better understand it in the future to improve, or reverse it
  • 4 main technical risks to companies are?
    Security breaches
    Privacy breaches
    System failure
    Rapid changes in tech
  • 3 main business risks to companies are?
    Emerging rivals
    Audience excluson
    Legal and regulatory non-compliance
  • regulations are made by companies like ISO
  • Legislation is made by governments
  • Automated stock control allows a company to track individual units of a product, to reduce losses, track inventory, and to reduce the amount of time spent on manual stock control.
  • There are two types of digital value:
    External and internal
  • “Feasible” means that the project can actually be delivered and will bring a benefit to the business.
  • The 3 forms of internal digital value are:
    Measuring service performance
    Supporting processes & business models
    Context & market environment
  • The 2 forms of external digital value:
    Stakeholder Engagement
    Providing Products & Services