inheritance, variation and evolution

Cards (20)

  • a gene is a small part DNA found on a chromosome which codes for a particular protein
  • how many cell devisions are the in meiosis?
  • in meiosis, four gametes are produced, each with only a single set of chromosomes. each of the gametes are genetically different from the others.
  • give two examples of characteristics controlled by a single gene
    mouse fur colour, red-green colour-blindness in humans
  • we have two alleles of each gene in the body- one on each chromosome in a pair
  • what is it called when you have two of the same alleles for a particular gene?
  • define genotype
    the combination of alleles you have
  • define phenotype
    what characteristics you have as a result of your genetics
  • define allele
    an allele is a version of a gene that can code for different versions of a characteristic
  • polydactyl
    baby is born with extra fingers or toes- caused by a dominant allele
  • cystic fibrosis
    disorder of the cell membranes which releases sticky mucus into airways of lungs and pancreas- a recessive condition
  • Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution states that all living species developed from simple life forms which first developed over 3 billion years ago
  • how can you tell a new species has been formed?
    when the phenotypes become so different that they can no longer breed to produce fertile offspring
  • how do we transfer the gene from one organism to another in genetic engineering?
    isolate the gene using an enzyme and insert into a vector (virus or bacterial plasmid) and then introduce it to another organism
  • define genetic engineering

    the breeding of organisms so that the genes for particular useful or attractive characteristics stay in the population
  • what is the Linnaean system?
    Carl Linnaeus‘s classification system composed of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
  • what is Carl Woese‘s 3 domain system?
    organisms are split into 3 domains- archaea, bacteria and eukaryota
  • what are archaea?
    organisms in this domain are primitive bacteria often found in hot springs and salt lakes
  • what are bacteria in Woese’s domain system?
    contains true bacteria such as E.coli
  • what are eukaryota?
    organisms such as fungi, plants, animals and protists