Key people

Cards (11)

  • Aristotle
    Is an Ancient Greek philosopher (4th century BCE) and student of Plato who thought that knowledge is gained through our senses (empiricism)
  • Thomas Aquinas
    A 13th-century Italian philosopher and priest whose Summa Theologica outlines his 'Five Ways' of demonstrating that faith in God is reasonable, including the First Cause argument
  • Charles Darwin
    Darwin is a 19th century scientist and author of 'On the Origin of Species' in 1859, which outlined his theory of evolution by natural selection
  • René Descartes
    16th century French philosopher who claimed that his ability to think proved he must exist ('I think, therefore I am')
  • Sigmund Freud
    19th/20th century Austrian psychologist who claimed in his wish fulfilment hypothesis that humans invent religion to satisfy their desires for a father, fairness and immortality
  • David Hume
    An 18th century Scotting philosopher who criticised the first cause and design arguments and belief in miracles
  • Karl Marx
    A 19th century German philosopher who described religion as the 'opium of the people', used by the ruling class to exploit and oppress the working class
  • New Athiests
    Four modern thinkers and writers front the UK and USA (including Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion) who criticise faith and argue that science and reason can answer all questions about the universe
  • William Paley
    Is an 18th century English philosopher and priest who compared the world to a watch in his version of the design argument
  • Blaise Pascal
    17th Century French Philosopher who argued that, when deciding Whether or not God exists, it is more sensible to gamble that he does because of the potential reward in the afterlife ( known as Pascal’s Wager)
  • Plato
    Ancient Greek philosopher (4th-century
    BCE) who claimed that knowledge is gained through using reason (rationalism)