It protects us from harmful and offensivephotos/videos
Some people may find certain images offensive
Protects the vulnerable e.g children and young people
Some Christians believe that we should be able to see what it is really like- creates a bigger impact
Personal views are relative- what may be offend some people, may notoffend others
People should be allowed to speak about their views (freedomofspeech)E.g In some countries, all media information is censored, therefore, only govermental views are presented.
Religious believers express their beliefs and share them through:
Religious clothing
Preaching and teaching
Worship in a place of worship
Charity work
-The freedom to express one's faith is fundamental to our humanrights
-In the Uk and Europe, believers are free to express their faith however they wish, as long as it does notharmothers around them.
"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free"
"Live as people who are free"
"A human person has a right to religious freedom"
UN Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion" and "to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."