Christian and Jewish attitudes (beliefs) to prejudice and discrimination:
Prejudice is unacceptable and against Christian and Jewish beliefs and teachings. Christians and Jews believe that all humans are sacred as they are made "in the image of God"
We should not discriminate as nohuman is perfect. All of us are sinners and therefore only God can judge us- "Stopjudging by mereappearances..."
Jesus was an example of helping people who are different to us. He helped the sociallyexcluded. the diseased and the enemies of his own community
"Do not deprive the foreigner and the fatherless of justice"-social justice and compassion for the marginalised
"Do not mistreatforeigners who are living in your land. Treat them as you would one of your own"
"for you are all one in Christ"- Christianity promotes equality between all people (Racism)
Parable of the GoodSamaritan (Racism)
MartinLutherKing experienced discrimination just for being black- he experiencedextremism when his house was bombed, he refused to use violence.
Instead, Martin Luther King gave speeches like his famous "Ihaveadream" speech and went on marches. He met with the President and asked for the Civil Rights Bill which eventually became law. This introduced equalrights for the blackcommunity, allowing them the right to work and equalemployment.