gottesman - family studies show that risk of developing sz is greater for those closelyrelated to the sz patient
MZ twinns have higher concordance rate of SZ
twin studies
joseph - collected data from sz data
concordance rates - MZ twins - 40.4% - DZ 7.4%
rosenthal - studies identical quadruplets who all developed sz
however they all suffered from poorenvironment and homelife
candidate genes
sz is polygenic
ripke - looked at genetic makeup of 37k patients and compared to 113k controls found 108 separate genetic variation associated with higher risk of sz
a01 - dopamine hypothesis
sz have higher levels of dopamine
hyperdopaminergia - in the subcortex where there is excess of dopamine receptors in broca area - explains speech poverty
hypodopaminergia - goldman-rakic - low levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex influence negative symptoms
may be both hyper and hypodopaminergia are correct explanations - both high and low levels of dopamine in different brain regions are involved in sz
neural correlates
measurements of the structure or function of the brain that correlates with an experience ie sz
negative symptoms
motivation involves anticipation of rewards which is highlighted in the ventralstriatum
Juckel et al - lower level in the ventral striatum in sz patients which is related to avolition
observed a negative correlation between activity levels in VS and the severity of overall negative symptom
positive symptoms
allen et al - lower levels of superior temporal gyrus and anteriol cingulate gyrus activity for individuals with auditory hallucinations
a03 - adoption studies
tienari et al - children of sz parents that have been adopted into a family with no history of sz are still at a higher risk of the onset of sz
alsi use ripke and gottesman - overwhelming evidence that genetic factors increase the vulnerability of sz and that although no entirely gentically based, geneticsuspectibility is an important factors
a03 - mixed evidence for dopamine hypotheis
a03- correlation causation problem
biological treatment a01
typical antipsychotics
work on positive symptoms
work on dopamine
they occupy receptors but dont activate them (antagonists)
drugs bine to dopamine receptors and work by blocking them
reduced stimulation of dopamine positive symptoms are reduced
most common is chlorpromazine
biological treatment ao1
atypical antipsychotics
reduce effects of both dopamine and serotnin
blocks both dopamine and serotnin receptors
as they reduce the stimulation of dopamine and sertonin - hallucinations and low moods are reduced and eliminated
most common is clozapine
risperidone was produced later and combines to receptors more strongly therefore requiring smaller doses
positive symptoms
positive and negative symptoms - works on serotonin receptors to improve mood
positive and negative symptoms
binds more effectively to D2 receptors therefore lower dosage needed
a03 - evidence for effectiveness
thornley et al - compared chlorpromazine to a placebo
chlorpromazine was associated with better ability to reduce symptoms severity and increase functioning
relapse rate was lower
meltzer - clozapine is more effective than typical and any other atypical drugs.
although many studies have tried to compared the atypical drugs the results have been inconlcsuive perhaps bc some people resond better to one drug than the other
a03- side effects
typical antipsychotics have been associated with tardive dyskinesia which is caused by dopamine supersensitivity.
The most serious side effect is NMS which is caused bc the drug blocks dopamine action in the hypothalamus; an area which regulates a number of bodysystems.
although they are effective (Meltzer) side effects are serious and ppl taking clozapine have to take regualr blood tests
a03 - problem with evidence for effectiveness
despite the mass of evidence for effectiveness Healy suggested that successful trials have had their datapublished more than once, exaggerating the evidence.
also suggested that bc drugs have a calming effect it is easy to show the positive effect of them and it is not the same as saying that they reduce the severity of the psychosis. furthermore most studies assess the short term effect rather than the long term benefits