Relapsing remitting MS (RRMS): Relapse with full recovery and residual deficit (85%)
Primary progressive MS (PPMS): Slowly worsening neurologic function from the beginning, no relapses or remissions (10%)
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS): Initial course is relapsing remitting, followed by progression with or without occasional relapses, minor remissions, and plateaus (50% of RRMS develop SPMS within 10 years)
Progressive relapsing MS (PRMS): Progressive from onset, with clear acute relapses with or without full recovery (5%)
Has been shown to decrease both the number and severity of MS attacks (Relapses) and to significantly slow the progression of physical disability associated with relapsing remitting MS
Relieve muscular spasms and pain associated with traumatic injuries and spasticity from chronic debilitating disorders (e.g., MS, stroke [CVA], cerebral palsy, head and spinal cord injuries)
Increased muscle tone from hyperexcitable neurons; this is caused by increased stimulation from the cerebral neurons or lack of inhibition in the spinal cord or at the skeletal muscles