Offender profiling: The Bottom-Up Approach

Cards (12)

  • Bottom-up profiling
    • Doesn't begin with fixed typologies
    • Profile is 'data-driven' and emerges as the investigator engages in deeper + more rigorous scrutiny of the details of the offence
    • Much more grounded in psychological theory than the top-down approach
  • Investigative psychology

    Attempt to apply statistical procedures with psychological theory, to the analysis of crime scene evidence
  • Investigative psychology
    1. Develop a statistical database which acts as a baseline for comparison
    2. Match specific details of an offence/ related offences against this database to reveal important details about the offender, their personal history, family background, etc
    3. Determine whether a series of offences are linked in that they are likely to have been committed by the same person
  • Interpersonal coherence
    The way an offender behaves at the scene, including how they 'interact' with the victim, may reflect their behaviour in more everyday situations
  • Rapists
    • Some want to maintain maximum control + humiliate their victims, others are more apologetic
  • How the offender relates to women more generally

    May be indicated by their behaviour towards the victim
  • Significance of time + place
    A key variable that, as in geographical profiling, may indicate where the offender is living
  • Forensic awareness
    Describes those individuals who have been the subject of police interrogation before, their behaviour may denote how mindful they are of 'covering their tracks'
  • Geographical profiling
    Uses info about the location of linked crime scenes to make inferences about the likely home/ operational base of an offender - crime mapping + based on the principle of spatial consistency
  • Spatial consistency
    Serial offenders will restrict their 'work' to geographical areas they are familiar with, so understanding the spatial pattern of their behaviour provides investigators with a 'centre of gravity' which is likely to induce the offender's base
  • Offender types
    • Marauder - operates in close proximity to their home base
    • Commuter - likely to have travelled a distance away from their usual residence
  • Spatial decision-making
    Can offer the investigative team important insight into the nature of the offence, i.e whether it was planned/ opportunistic, as well as revealing other important factors about the offender, such as their 'mental maps', mode of transport, employment status, approximate age, etc.