1. Develop a statistical database which acts as a baseline for comparison
2. Match specific details of an offence/ related offences against this database to reveal important details about the offender, their personal history, family background, etc
3. Determine whether a series of offences are linked in that they are likely to have been committed by the same person
Describes those individuals who have been the subject of police interrogation before, their behaviour may denote how mindful they are of 'covering their tracks'
Uses info about the location of linked crime scenes to make inferences about the likely home/ operational base of an offender - crime mapping + based on the principle of spatial consistency
Serial offenders will restrict their 'work' to geographical areas they are familiar with, so understanding the spatial pattern of their behaviour provides investigators with a 'centre of gravity' which is likely to induce the offender's base
Can offer the investigative team important insight into the nature of the offence, i.e whether it was planned/ opportunistic, as well as revealing other important factors about the offender, such as their 'mental maps', mode of transport, employment status, approximate age, etc.