Act 21: Invertebrates Reproduction and Development

Cards (30)

  • asexual reproduction - A mode that eliminates the need for the fusion of gametes.
  • Budding is characterized by a new organism developing from an outgrowth on the parental body.
  • fragmentation through the splitting into fragments of the parental organism.
  • Parthenogenesis - when an egg can develop into an embryo in the absence of fertilization.
  • Parthenogenesis is typified in insects like aphids.
  • sexual reproduction relies on the fusion of gametes or sex cells.
  • fusion of gametes or fertilization
  • two types of fertilization: external and internal
  • external fertilization, the egg and the sperm are shed freely and fuse outside the animals’ body
  • internal fertilization is achieved through the transfer of the sperm from the male into the female reproductive tract.
  • gametogenesis - formation of sperm and egg
  • 3 stages of development: pre-embryonic, embryonic, and post embryonic
  • pre-embryonic stage: gametogenesis and fertilization
  • embryonic stage - wherein growth, morphogenesis and differentiation
  • post-embryonic development - insects undergo a sequence of morphological changes, that extend from egg to adult stage.
  • metamorphosis - succession of morphological changes is
  • two types of metamorphosis: complete (holometabolous) and incomplete (hemimetabolous).
  • Complete metamorphosis consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult
  • incomplete metamorphosis consists of three stages: egg, nymph, and
  • Both females and males possess a pair of sensory organs called cerci.
  • Styli are for male cockroach, it is smaller and more delicate than cerci.
  • These ovaries are held into place anteriorly by slender thread-like structures called the terminal filament.
  • Each ovary is composed of eight elongated ovarioles in which eggs develop.
  • The ovarioles are connected by short tubes to the oviduct.
  • The testes are well developed and elaborate structures that contain sperms.
  • Arising from each testis is a thin thread-like, white vas deferens.
  • The ejaculatory duct is wide extended median duct along the abdomen and opening out at the male gonopore just ventral to the anus.
  • mushroom gland of Huxley is a prominent structure is composed of dense, white to yellowish bundles in which the spermatophore is formed.
  • Insects that show complete metamorphosis are known to comprise Endopterygota.
  • Exopterygota refers to groups of insects whose development of the wings are outside the body.