
Cards (45)

  • a medical specialty that is concerned with the diagnosis of disease based on the macroscopic, microscopic, biochemical, immunologic and molecular examination of organs and tissues
    anatomical pathology
  • Histopathology is composed of 3 greek words: histos, pathos, logia meaning?
    histos- tissue
    pathos- suffering
    logia- study of
  • the microscopic examination of tissue in order to study the manifestations of disease.
  • refers to the examination of a biopsy or surgical specimen by a pathologist, after the specimen has been processed and histological sections have been placed onto glass slides.
  • histopathology is commonly performed by
    interventional radiologist
    interventional cardiologists
  • Physicians gather the specimen from the patient using variety of ways this would include:
    surgical operation
  • biopsy when an entire lump or suspicious area is removed
    excisional biopsy
  • biopsy: samples a portion of the abnormal tissue without attempting to remove the entire lesion or tumor
    incisional biopsy
  • when a sample of tissue or fluid is removed with a needle in such a way that cells are removed without preserving the histological architecture of the tissue cells.
    needle aspiration biopsy
  • steps in tissue specimen processing
    clearing / dealcoholization
    infiltration / impregnation
    sectioning / microtomy
  • uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury by removing the whole or portion of the target organ/tissue.
  • each specimen would be given a
    unique accession code
  • retention time for tissue specimen
    1 month to 1 year
  • Retention time for requisition form
    2 years
  • turnover of the result for histopathology
    24 hours
  • how many copies of the findings are needed and for whom
    3 copies
    laboratory file
  • retention time:
    tissue block(paraffin):
    pathology slides:
    surgical pathology report:
    3-10 years
    10 years
  • cytopathology is made up of 3 greek words: kytos, pathos, logia meaning?
    a hollow
    study of
  • a branch of pathology that studies and diagnose diseases on the cellular level.
  • cytopathology was founded by and when
    George Nicolas Papanicolaou, in 1928
  • used samples are:
    free cells or tissue fragments
  • aid in the diagnosis of cancer but also in the diagnosis of some infectious diseases and other inflammatory conditions.
  • There are two methods of collecting cells for cytopathologic analysis:
    exfoliative cytology
    intervention cytology sediment cytology
  • desquamated cells
    exfoliative cytology
  • intervenes into the body for sample collection.
    intervention cytology
  • cells are collected after they have been either spontaneously shed by the body.
    spontaneous exfoliation
  • cells are manually scraped/brushed off of a surface in the body.
    mechanical exfoliation
  • involves use of a needle attached to a syringe is to collect cells from lesions or masses in various body organs by microcoring, often with the application of negative pressure (suction) to increase yield.
    fine needle aspiration cytology
  • what gauges of needle is used in fine needle aspiration cytology
    23-27 gauge
  • the sample is collected and mixed with a fixative taken into a centrifuge tube and is centrifuged. The sediment is used for smearing
    sediment cytology
  • method of smear preparation
    impression / touch preparation
    pull apart
  • Retention time:
    Specimen (serum and other body fluids): Requisition form: Cell blocks (paraffin): Pathology slides:
    48 hours
    2 years
    3 to 10 years
  • steps in cytology specimen processing
  • a branch of genetics that is concerned with how the chromosomes relate to cell behavior, particularly to their behavior during mitosis and meiosis.
  • first observed chromosomes of plant cells in 1842.
    Karl Wilhelm von Nageli
  • discovered mitosis
    Walther Flemming
  • coined the term chromosomes.
    Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer
  • define the karyotype as the phenotypic appearance of the somatic chromosomes.
  • reported 47 hromosomes in spermatogonia and 48 in oogonia.
    Hans von Winiwarter
  • was not certain whether the diploid number of man was 46 or 48 and he correctly insisted on man having an XX/XY system.
    Theophilus Painter