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    • evidence for its effectiveness
    • Jauhar et al reviewed 34 studies of using CBT with schizo concluding that there is clear evidence for small but significant effects on both positive and negative symptoms
    • Other studies have focused on symptoms, for example Pontillo et al found reductions in frequency and severity of auditory hallucinations
    This means that both research and clinical experience support the benefits of CBT for schizophrenia.
    • wide range of techniques and symptoms included in studies
    • CBT techniques and schizophrenia symptoms vary widely from one case to another.
    • Thomas points out that different studies have involved the use of different CBT techniques and people with different combinations of positive and negative symptoms
    • The overall modest benefits of CBT for schizophrenia probably conceal a wide variety of effects of different CBT techniques on different symptoms.
    This makes it hard to say how effective CBT will be for a particular person with schizophrenia.