virtual relationships

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  • now common to develop relationships by communicating through social media
  • psychologists interested why online relationships seem to disclose more and develop intimacy sooner than in real life
  • absence of gating mechanisms
    communicating online removes a number of factors that normally act as filters of barriers stopping interactions in face to face encounters
  • absence of gating mechanisms
    barriers such as level of physical attractiveness, speech defects, age group or being from different social or ethnic background
  • reduced cue theories
    computers lack some features of face to face communication such as non verbal communication, facial expressions, may result in people reading too much / what they wanted into typed communication
  • anonymity
    deindividuation results in reduction of feelings of responsibility, leading to loss of inhibition, individuals can say things online that they never would in real life
  • anonymity
    lack of normal distancing behaviours that face to face interactions are normally regulated lead to feelings of closeness and intimacy but also behaviours like sexting or trolling
  • hyperpersonal model walther 1996

    people can manipulate their online identity significantly and control interactions to display a hyper honest, or hyper dishonest version of self