Rotavirus - leading cause in children <5 years of age
Bacterial causes includes: Escherichia coli (E. Coli) - an cause severe stomach cramps, bloody diarrhea and vomiting, Salmonella - stomach cramps and diarrhea that lasts four to seven days, Shigella - cause watery or bloody diarrhea
Random Blood Sugar (RBS) - >200mg/dL + symptoms is suggestive of DM
Fasting blood sugar (FBS) - No DM (70-110mg/dL, DM (>110 but <126mg/dL)
Postprandial Blood sugar - No DM (70-110mg/dL), DM (>140 but <200mg/dL)
Highly elevated glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb) test results – indicative of poor sugar control for the last 3 months
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) - No DM (glucose returns to normal in 2-3 hours & urine is negative for glucose), DM (blood glucose returns to normal slowly; urine is positive for glucoe
Teach patient and family to identify and avoid situations that are known to precipitate a seizure (e.g. blinking lights, sleep deprivation, excess activity or exercise, physical factor)