experiences of the world orginised as mental structures
piget belives infants are born with few schemata. soon after birth infants start to develop schemata based of the interaction between senses and motor skills.
cognitive development invloves the growth and iterrelating of schemata that occur through proccess of assimilation and accommodation
intergrating new information into existing schemata without the schemata being altered
most new info can be delt with using proccess of assimilation alone
no cognitive changes occur
changing existing schemata to intergrate new infom of the creation of a new schema when intergration is not possiable.
produces cognitive change
state experiences when existing schemata (based on prior knowlage) can account for new information.
state experiences when existing schemata are unable to accunt for new information
piget theorised all children move through 4 stages of development no matter where they are from
allows childeren to reach full cognitive potential
every child passes through stages in same order and no going backward, exept as result of brain damage
Semsoimotor stage:
0-2 yrs
fine and gross motor skills are used in combination with sense
accoplishment made: object permanace
Preoperational stage:
2-7 yrs
childeren use symbols to represent ideas such as through language, and engage in pretend play.