1. Provide accurate information and obtain approval prior to conducting the research
2. Obtain informed consent, which includes purpose, duration, procedures, right to decline/withdraw, consequences, potential risks/discomfort/adverse effects, benefits, limits of confidentiality, incentives, and researcher's contact information
3. Obtain permission for recording images or voices, unless the research consists of solely naturalistic observations in public places, or research designed includes deception
4. Dispense or omit informed consent only when research would not create distress or harm, or if permitted by law
5. Avoid offering excessive incentives for research participation that could coerce participation
6. Do not conduct study that involves deception unless they have justified the use of deceptive techniques in the study
7. Give opportunity to the participants about the nature, results, and conclusions of the research and make sure that there are no misconceptions about the research
8. Ensure the safety and minimize the discomfort, infection, illness, and pain of animal subjects