
Cards (15)

  • Lombroso
    Hailed as 'father of criminology', shifted emphasis in crime research away from a moralistic discourse towards a more scientific and credible realm (evolutionary influences and genetics)
  • Lombroso's theory

    Heralded the beginning of criminal profiling and made a contribution to the science of criminology
  • Credibility of atavistic form as an explanation of offending is increased
  • Many of the features that Lombroso identified
    Are most likely to be found among people of African descent e.g. dark, curly hair
  • This is a weakness of the approach due to the possibility of reinforcing racist attitudes within society
  • This has negative ETHICAL IMPLICATION - reinforced stereotypes
  • Greater awareness/sensitivity
    Positive changes in society and has long lasting impact
  • Lombroso did not compare his criminal sample with a non-criminal control group
  • It is possible that, had he done so, the significant differences in atavistic form that Lombroso reported may have disappeared
  • Lombroso also failed to consider that many of the criminals he studied had suffered from a history of psychological disorders which may have confounded the findings
  • Lombroso failed to use a control group in his study, and can't compare to gain valid conclusions
  • Lombroso failed to recognise other causes of crime within his sample (most suffered psychological disorders- therefore biological reductionist as takes a narrow view towards criminal behaviour)
  • Lombroso's theory is heavily nativist
  • Lombroso claims certain skills and abilities are native and hard wired into the brain from birth suggesting it's genetically determined
  • This is a weakness as it is stating that if someone has the genes to be a serial murderer they will be and also ignores environmental factors like poor diet that could lead to different physical characteristics