Moral development

Cards (17)

  • Preconventional Morality

    Level of moral development (3-7 yrs old)
  • Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation
    The child/individual is good to AVOID PUNISHMENT because punishment equates, they must have done something wrong
  • Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange
    Children recognize that there is not just one right view that is handed down by authorities. They conform to rules out of self-interest and consideration what others can do for them.
  • Conventional Morality (Morality of Conventional Role Conformity)
    Level of moral development (8-13 yrs old)
  • Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationship
    The child is good in order to be seen as a good person by others. Approval of others is important.
  • Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationship
    • Donating to the victims of the recent typhoon and posting it on social media so everyone knows they did something good.
  • Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order
    The child becomes aware of the rules of the society, so judgement concern obeying the rules to uphold the law and avoid guilt.
  • Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order
    • Crossing the pedestrian crossing or going on a full stop when the traffic light turned red.
  • Postconventional Morality (Morality of Autonomous Moral Principles)

    Level of moral development (14-older yrs old)
  • Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights
    Child becomes aware that while rules might exist for the betterment of everyone, there are times you have to bend the law for self-interests.
  • Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights

    • Some lawyers study the law so in case they need it, they can find a loophole and they won't be convicted. Some laws are unfair and unjust.
  • Stage 6: Universal Principles
    People developed their own set of moral guidelines, which may or may not fit the law. The principles apply to everyone. They do what they think is right regardless of legal restrictions or opinion of others.
  • Stage 6: Universal Principles
    • LGBTQIA++ community are still being discriminated and just tolerated by the society, but certain someone thinks that they deserve better. Thus, they do everything to recognize the rights of the people of the minority.
  • Kohlberg placed too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough for moral behaviors
  • Cosmic Stage – people consider the effect of their actions not only on other people but on the universe as a whole
  • Just because a person is capable of moral reasoning does not necessarily mean the person actually engages in moral reasoning
  • Kohlberg's System is biased against non-western cultures