Cards (11)

  • Developmental stages in first few years of life
    • Focused on independence, how the child grows from an entirely dependent being to one who is relatively independent, both physically and psychologically
    • Successful completion results in separation and individuation
  • Separation
    Internal process of mental separation from the mother
  • Individuation
    Developing self-concept
  • The child's developing capacity to represent the mother
    Allows his/her independence from the mother
  • Normal Autistic Phase (0-1 month)

    1. First weeks of life and shows little social engagement
    2. Infant is focused on himself/herself
    3. Uninterested in external stimuli
    4. Primary Goal: achieve a state of equilibrium, while lacking the understanding that the satisfaction needs may come from an external source
    5. As if they are inside their own egg shell
  • Normal Symbiotic Phase (1-5 month)

    1. First 6 months of life, occurs when the child gains awareness of caregivers but has no sense of individuality
    2. Acknowledges the mother's existence as the main source of need-satisfaction
    3. Egg extends to include the mother
  • Separation-Individuation (5-24 months)
    1. Child develop a sense of self, separated from the mother
    2. In separation, the infant develops an understanding of boundaries of the self
    3. Individuation marks the development of a sense of self
    4. Differentiation: occurs when the child first gains awareness that he or she is separate from the mother (5-10 months)
    5. Practicing: occurs when child becomes toddler, gaining motor skills that enable the child to explore the world independently from his or her caregivers (10-16/18 months)
    6. Rapprochement: "backing off" from separation, the child becomes anxious about separation from his mother and regains closeness (18-24 months)
    7. Object Constancy: development of an internalized mental model of the mother, which unconsciously accompanies and supports the child even when they are physically separated (24+ months)
  • Children exist in a symbiotic phase until they reach about 6 months of age
  • They are unaware of their surroundings and others and only are cognizant of themselves as one with their mothers
  • As the child matures, perception of his or her mother begins to evolve and the child internalizes the images of her
  • Disruptions in normal developmental trajectory could lead to maladaptive behavior