INfancy and toddler

Cards (19)

  • Delayed speech
    Due to lack of interaction with the caregiver
  • Delayed cognition
    Due to lack of stimulation
  • Erik Erikson's first psychosocial crisis

    • Trust vs. Mistrust
    • Ideally, babies develop a balance between trust and mistrust
    • If trust predominates, children develop Hope and the belief that they can fulfill their needs and obtain their desires
  • Erikson's psychosocial crises and virtues

    • Infancy (0-18 months): Trust vs. Mistrust, Hope
    • Toddler (18 months - 36 months): Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt, Will
  • Maladaptive Tendency for Infancy
    Sensory Maladjustment - overly trusting and gullible, unrealistic, spoiled
  • Malignant Tendency for Infancy
    Withdrawal - never trust anyone, paranoid, neurotic, depressive
  • Maladaptive Tendency for Toddler
    Impulsiveness - shameless willfulness that leads to jump into things without proper consideration, reckless, inconsiderate
  • Malignant Tendency for Toddler
    Compulsiveness - perfectionism, rule follower, anal, constrained
  • Successful in Infancy stage
    Hopeful child
  • Failed in Infancy stage
    Withdrawn child
  • Self-Concept
    Our image of ourselves; it describes what we know and feel about ourselves and guides our actions
  • By at least 3 months, infants pay attention to their mirror image
  • Pretend Play
    An early indication of the ability to understand other's mental states and their own
  • Usage of person pronouns (me, mine) usually at 20-24 months
  • Socialization
    • Process by which children develop habits, skills, values, and motives that make them responsible and productive members of the society
    • Children obey societal or parental dictates because they believe them to be right and true
    • The eventual goal is the development of conscience
  • Situational Compliance

    Extra assistance provided by their parents' reminder and prompts to complete the task
  • Committed Compliance
    They were committed to following request and could do so without their parents direct intervention
  • Receptive Cooperation
    Eager willingness to cooperate harmoniously with a parent, not only in disciplinary actions, but in variety of daily interactions
  • Anal Stage (Freud)
    • Development of children is focused on controlling bowel movements
    • Fixations of this stage leads to Anal-Retentive and Anal-Expulsive Individuals
    • Anal Retentive: obsessed with orderliness and tidiness due to strict potty training
    • Anal-Expulsive: very messy and disorganized adults due to lax potty training