Late adulthood

Cards (13)

  • Ego Integrity
    The crowning achievement of late adulthood, the need to evaluate and accept their lives so as to accept death
  • Old Age (65-older)

    • Crisis: Ego Integrity vs. Despair
    • Developed Virtue: Wisdom
  • Wisdom
    Informed and detached concern with life itself in the face of death itself
  • Presumption
    Presumes ego integrity without actually facing the difficulties of old age
  • Disdain
    Contempt of life, one's own or anyone's
  • Personality changes in late adulthood
    • Increases in agreeableness, self-confidence, warmth, emotional stability, and conscientiousness
    • Declines in neuroticism, social vitality, and openness to experience
  • Some researchers argue that personality changes in late adulthood are driven primarily by intrinsic genetic differences between people that unfold over time
  • Personality traits influence behavior

    Behavior influences health
  • In general, older adults have fewer mental disorders and are happier and more satisfied with life than younger adults
  • Happiness tends to be high in early adulthood
    Declines until people reach 50 years of age
  • Happiness tends to be high in early adulthood
    Then rises again until 85
  • As people get older, they tend to seek out activities and people that give them emotional gratification
  • Older adults are better at regulating emotions