Sensitivity to taste and smell also declines in midlife
Some loss of muscle strength is usually noticeable by age of 45
Basal Metabolism
Minimum amount of energy that your body needs to maintain vital functions while resting
Manual Dexterity generally becomes less efficient with age
Aging brain works more slowly and have difficulty juggling multiple tasks
The ability to ignore distractions declines with age
Decrease in the volume of gray matter and myelin begins to break down with age
Physical activity and fitness
Associated with higher white and gray matter volume
Meditation affords cognitive benefits to middle aged adults and may help offset declines
Skin may become less taut and smooth as the layer of fat below the surface becomes thinner, collagen molecules more rigid, and elastin fibers more brittle
Blood sugar levels rise because the cells lose their ability to use insulin
Type 1 Diabetes
Juvenile-onset, or insulin-dependent, in which the levels of blood sugar rises because the body does not produce enough insulin
Excess weight in middle age increases the risk of impaired health and death
People with low socioeconomic status tend to have poorer health, shorter life expectancy, more activity limitations due to chronic disease, and lower wellbeing than people with higher SES
Have a higher life expectancy than men and lower death rates, may be due to genetic protection given by the second X chromosome and before menopause, to beneficial effects of estrogen on both cardiovascular and cognitive health
Women report being in fair or poor health than men
Bones become thin and brittle as a result of calcium depletion (due to falling of estrogen levels)
Good lifestyle habits can reduce risk of osteoporosis, if started early in life
Breast cancer is responsible for the largest number of cancer-related deaths among women
Risks for breast cancer
Early menarche and late menopause
History of breast cancer in the family
No children
Did not breast-feed
Late pregnancy
Breast cancer is treated by removal of part or all breast and chemotherapy
Diagnostic x-ray of the breasts
The most troublesome physical effects of menopause are linked to reduce levels of estrogen and hormone therapy
Hormone Therapy
Treatment with artificial estrogen
The damage that occurs when perceived environmental demands or stressors exceed a person's capacity to cope with them
Stress in midlife may come from role changes, career transitions, grown children leaving home, and the renegotiation of family relationships
Women experience more stress than men and to be more concerned about stress
The classic stress response – fight or flight – may be more characteristic of men, activated in part by testosterone
The brain interacts with all of the body's biological systems, feelings and beliefs affect bodily functions, including the functioning of the immune system
Midlife Crisis
Changes in personality and lifestyle during middle forties
Many people realize that they will not be able to fulfill the dreams of their youth, or that fulfillment of their own mortality
People who do have crisis at midlife generally also have crises at other times in their lives as well
Midlife crisis is a manifestation of a neurotic personality rather than developmental phase
Turning Point
Psychological transition that involves significant change or transformation in the perceived meaning, purpose, or direction of a person's life
Turning points are triggered by major life events, normative changes, or a new understanding of past experience