Acceptability of homosexual unions is growing, especially in younger cohorts and in women
Emerging adults tend to have more sexual partners than in older age groups, but they have sex less frequently
Reflective Thinking
Active, persistent, and careful consideration of information or beliefs
Reflective Thinking
1. Continually question facts
2. Draw inferences
3. Make connections
Emerging adults frequently engage in critical thinking
At approx. 20-25 years of age, the brain forms new neurons, synapses, and dendritic connections, and the cortical regions that handle higher-level thinking become fully myelinated
Postformal Thought
Characterized by the ability to deal with inconsistency, contradiction, and compromise
Postformal Thought
Draws on intuition and emotion as well as logic to help people cope with situations such as social dilemmas
Acknowledges that there may be more than one valid way of viewing an issue and that the world is made up of shades of gray
Traditionally, adulthood was defined by markers such as moving out of the family home, marriage, children, full-time employment, or establishment of career
Early marriage and family formation
Associated with poverty and substance use
Emerging adults with the highest well-being were those who were not yet married, had no children, attend college, and lived away from their childhood home