Middle adulthood

Cards (10)

  • Middle-Aged people

    In their prime
  • Individuals who scored the highest in the study of Schaie

    • High educational levels
    • Flexible personalities
    • Intact families
    • Pursue cognitively complex occupations and other activities
    • Married to someone more cognitively advanced
    • Satisfied with their accomplishments
  • Crystallized Intelligence

    Increases through middle age and often until the end of life
  • Mature adults

    Show increasing competence in solving problems in their chosen field
  • Specialized Knowledge or Expertise
    Form of crystallized intelligence that is related to the process of encapsulation
  • Adults
    Do not usually depend on the brain's information-processing-machinery because some adult's fluid intelligence becomes encapsulated (dedicated in handling specific kinds of knowledge)
  • Expert thinking
    Often seems automatic and intuitive
  • Postformal Thought

    Characteristic of intuitive, experience-based thinking
  • Postformal thought

    Integrative nature – adults interpret what they read, see, or hear in terms of its meaning for them
  • Conscientiousness
    Highest maybe due to result of work experiences