Neurological condition which states the person is brain dead when all electrical activity of the brain has ceased for a specific period of time
Brain Death
Higher portions of the brains dies sooner than lower parts which facilitates breathing and heartbeat
Brain could be dead but you still have heartbeat for the mean time
Good death, intended to end suffering or to allow terminally ill person to die with dignity
Types of Euthanasia
Passive: Withholding or discontinuing treatment that might extend the life of a terminally ill patient such as life support
Active: "Mercy killing" involves action taken directly or deliberate to shorten life
Advance Directive
Contains instructions for when and how to discontinue futile medical care
Forms of Advance Directive
Living will
Durable power of attorney
Durable Power of Attorney
Appoints another person if the maker of the document becomes incompetent to do so
Assisted Suicide
Physician or someone else helps a person bring about a self-inflicted death
Self-inflicted death in which the person acts intentionally, directly, and consciously
Types of Suicide Attempters
Death Seekers: Clearly intend to end their lives at the time they attempt suicide
Death Initiators: Clearly intent to end their lives, but they act out of a belief that the process is already under the way and that they are simply hastening the process
Death Ignorers: Do not believe that their self-inflicted death will mean the end of their existence
Death Darers: Experience mixed feelings, or ambivalence, about their intent to die, even at the moment of their attempt, and they show this ambivalence in the act itself
Suicide is officially the 11th cause of death in US
Suicidal Ideation
Thinking seriously about suicide
Suicidal Plans
Formulation of a specific method for killing oneself
Suicidal Attempts
The person survives from attempts
Emile Durkheim's Suicide Types
Altruistic: Formalized suicides; dishonor to self, family, or society
Egoistic: Loss of social supports as an important provocation for suicide
Anomic: Result of marked disruptions, such as sudden loss of job
Fatalistic: Loss of control over one's own destiny
Freud believed that suicide indicated unconscious hostility directed inward to the self rather than outward to the person or situation causing the anger
If a family member committed a suicide, there is an increased risk that someone else will also
Low levels of serotonin is associated with suicide and with violent suicide attempts (low levels of serotonin is linked with impulsivity, instability, and the tendency to overreact to situation)
The stress of a friend's suicide or some other major stress may affect several individuals who are vulnerable because of existing psychological disorders
Pessimistic belief that one's present circumstances, problems, or mood will not change
Dichotomous Thinking
Viewing problems and solutions in rigid either/or terms