4 pattern of crying

Cards (16)

  • Basic Hunger Cry
    Rhythmic pattern that usually consist of cry, followed by a briefer silence
  • Angry Cry
    More excess air is forced through vocal cords
  • Pain Cry
    Sudden long, initial loud cry followed by breath holding
  • Frustration Cry
    Higher pitch an a more monotonic vocalization is associated with autonomic system activity during stressful procedures in infants
  • Social Smiling
    Newborn infants gaze and smile at their parents; smile that occurs in response to external stimulus (2 months)
  • Reflexive Smile
    A smile that does not occur in response to external stimuli and appear during the first month after birth
  • Anticipatory Smiling
    Infants smile at an object then gaze at an adult while continuing to smile
  • Self-Conscious emotions

    Arise only after children have developed self-awareness
  • Altruistic Behavior

    Acting out of concern with no expectation of reward
  • Mirror Neurons
    Underlie empathy and altruism
  • Temperament
    An early-appearing, biologically based tendency to respond to the environment in predictable ways
  • Easy Children
    Generally happy, rhythmic in biological functioning, and accepting of new experiences
  • Difficult Children

    More irritable and harder to please
  • Slow-to-Warm-Up Children
    Mild but slow to adapt to new people and situations
  • Infant temperament
    Strong links with childhood personality at age of 7
  • Goodness of Fit
    The match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands and constraints the child must deal with