A sheltered hollow on the sides of a mountain where a glacier begins to develop
How corries are formed
1. Snow collects in hollow
2. Snow is squeezed into ice
3. Ice builds up in the hollow
4. Increased weight and movement down-slope leads to ice gouging and deepening the hollow
5. Ice rotates as it moves and flows down-slope
After an ice age, a lake may form in the hollow called a tarn
Glacier abrasion
Deepens the hollow
As ice builds up in the hollow
The increased weight and movement down-slope leads to ice gouging and deepening the hollow
As ice builds up in the hollow
The ice rotates as it moves and flows down-slope
Glaciers vs Ice Sheets
Alpine glaciers form in mountains, are small, and flow, while continental ice sheets form over vast areas, are large, and remain stationary.
Cold-Based vs Warm-Based Glaciers
Cold-based glaciers have cold basal temperatures and flow slowly, while warm-based glaciers have warm basal temperatures and flow faster.
The UK was last glaciated 27 thousand years ago
Zone of Accumulation
The upper part of the glacier, where snow falls and is compressed into ice. The snow gained is greater than the snow melting
Zone of Ablation
The area where the glacier is melting or ablation occurs, usually due to warmer temperatures and/or increased snowmelt. This zone is often located at the lower elevation of the glacier.