Cards (47)

  • Pathogens can be spread through : Air, water and direct contact
  • Pathogen is a microorganism which causes a disease e.g virus
  • To prevent bacteria growth you can use :
  • No bacteria growth = disinfectant killed it all
  • Bigger the area = mostly all bacteria killed
  • Measles - spread through droplets, symptoms - fever, red rash, blotch skin rash , treatment - vaccine
  • HIV/aids - spread by sexual contact , symptoms - mid flu-like immune system affected, treatment - no cure
  • Tobacco moasic virus - spread by direct contact and vectors, symptoms - discoloured moasic pattern on leaves and stunted growth, treatment - no treatment farmers grow tmv resistant crops
  • Salmonella - bacteria spread - infected/uncooked meat, symptoms - develop within 8-72 hour fever, vomiting, treatment - antibiotics
  • Gonorrhoea - bacteria spread - sexual contact, symptoms - green discharge pain when urinating pelvic pain , treatment - contraception method/antibiotic
  • Bacterial disease on plants - bacteria spread - direct contact, symptoms - crown galls, treatment - no treatment
  • Calculating effect of disinfectant and antibiotics on bacterial growth
    • Measure diameter
    • Half diameter to find radius
    • Work out the area by using pi r ^2
  • Communicable disease - can spread easily from one person to another e.g flu
  • Non-communicable disease - cannot spread disease from one person to another e.g arthiritis
  • Malaria - disease caused by a parasitic protist that lives and feeds on other living organisms. When a person is bitten, protist enters the persons bloodstream and is carried to liver and then enters red blood cells, then bursts out of the red blood cells, causing fever and shaking is carried to another person after the bites and infected person to obtain a meal of blood
  • Rose black spot - fungal disease, symptoms - purple/black spots. Leaves turn yellow and drop early so there is less photosynthesis. Spread by water / wind, treatment - chemical fungicide
  • Skin
    • Produces antimicrobial secretions to destroy pathogenic bacteria
  • Nose
    • Full of hairs
    • Produce sticky mucus
    • Help to trap particles in air that might contain microbes
  • Airways
    • Secrete mucus trapping microbes in air
    • Lining of airways covered in hair like alia
  • Stomach
    • Produces hydrochloric acid
    • Destroy microbes in mucus, mucus produced to protect stomach walls
    • Destroys most pathogens
    • Breaks down protein- lowers stomach ph
    • Secrete 3 litres of HCA
  • Immune system
    • Produces antibodies by white blood cell called lympocytes
    • They produce antibodies rapidly if pathogen infects you
    • Antibodies can bind to pathogens and damage or destroy them
    • White blood cell engulf pathogen and produce antitoxins
  • Nitrate is need to convert sugars to protein. Deficiency - plant will not grow properly - stunted growth
  • Magnesium - Need to make chlorophyll. Deficiency - Leaves are yellow so less photosynthesis so less growth
  • Physical plant defences
    • Cell walls
    • Tough waxy cuticle on leaves
    • Layers of dead cells around stems
    • Cell walls strengthen plant to resist invasion by microorganisms
    • Tough waxy cuticle acts as barrier to pathogens
    • Bark on trees and layer of dead cells form protective layer hard for pathogens to penetrate
    • When dead cells are lost or shed, pathogens fall off with them
  • Chemical plant defences
    • Antibacterial chemicals
    • Poisons e.g. hypericum
    • Poisons to deter herbivores e.g. foxgloves, yew, deadly nightshade
  • Mechanical plant defences
    Leaves drooping or curls when touched Dislodges insects or scares larger herbivores
  • Mechanical

    Mimicry -
    • Drooping leaves so they look unhealthy
    • Spots on leaves look like caterpillar eggs
    Hairs -

    Detect herbivores and not nice to eat e.g lamb ears


    Detects herbivores as not nice to eat e.g cacti
  • Vaccination - dead or inactive form of pathogen are used to make vaccine
  • Antigen in vaccine stimulate your white blood cell into making antibodies. The antibodies destroy the antigen with risk of you getting the diseaSE
  • You are immune to future infections by pathogen. Because your body can respond rapidly and make correct antibody as if u had the disease already
  • Herd immunity - if large population of population is immune to disease that is spread of a pathogen will be very much reduced and disease may even disappear
  • Antibiotics only treat bacteria and not virus
  • Vaccination prevents infection becuase white blood cells produce antibodies these antibodies produce rapidly so they kill the bacteria
  • Fleming discovered penicllin
  • Willow trees create aspirin (Anti-inflammatory) also painkiller
    Foxglove create digitalis (Heart stimulant)
    Poppy create morphine - painkiller
  • Required practical
    Clean ur area with antiseptics to kill bacteria
    Divide your plate into 4 sections : A,B,C and d
    spread bacteria with sterilised loop across agar jelly
    Put paper disc into each disinfectant
    Pit each disc one by one into each section of divided section
    Sterilise tools in between
    Secure the lid of plate with pieces of tape and incubate the plate at optimum temperature so no microbes can get into plate affecting growth of bacteria
  • Pathogen cause disease by : Producing toxins that damage tissue
    Replicating them selves or reproducing if its a virus
  • Potassium - for healthy flower and fruit , deficiency - poor growth of fruit and flowers
    Phosphates - for healthy roots , deficiency - poor root growth and younger leaves look purple
  • Process of making antibodies
    Antigen is injected into mouse
    B lymphocytes make specific antibodies but do not divide
    Produces mouse lymphocytes
    Tumour cells that do not make antibodies but divide
    A hybridoma cell makes specific antibodies and divides
    Then cells are cloned
    Monoclonal antibodies are separated, purified and can be used
  • Monoclonal antibodies are used for diagnosis in pregnancy tests
    In labs to measure levels of hormones and other chemical in blood to detect pathogens for research
    To identify or locate specific molecules in tissue or cells