Psychodynamic approach

Subdecks (1)

Cards (52)

  • Who created the psychodynamic approach?
  • What did Freud describe the personality as?
  • What three components did Freud split the personality into?
    Id, Ego, Superego
  • What is the part of the mind we are aware of?
    Conscious mind
  • What did Freud suggest most of the mind is made up of?
    Unconscious mind
  • What is the unconscious mind a storehouse for?
    Biological drives and instincts
  • What does the unconscious mind contain?
    Threatening and disturbing memories that have been repressed
  • How can repressed memories be accessed?
    Dreams or Parapraxes
  • What are parapraxes?
    Slips of the tongue
  • What is under the surface of the conscious mind?
    Preconscious mind
  • What does the preconscious mind contain?
    Thoughts and memories which aren't in conscious awareness but can be accessed
  • What principle does the Id operate on?
    Pleasure principle
  • What principle does the Ego operate on?
    Reality principle
  • What principle does the Superego?
    Morality principle
  • When is the superego formed?
    At the end of the phallic stage
  • What is the ego?
    A mediator between the Id and Superego - role is to reduce conflict between their demands
  • How does the ego reduce the conflict between the Id and Superego?
    Defence mechanisms
  • The Id is the primitive part of our personality
  • When is the Id formed?
    At birth
  • The Id is entirely selfish and demands instant gratification of needs
  • What is the Id?
    A mass of unconscious drives and instincts
  • What are the five psychosexual stages?
    Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genitals
  • When does the Oral stage occur?
    0-1 years
  • When does the Anal stage occur?
    1-3 years
  • When does the Phallic stage occur?
    3-6 years
  • What is the focus of pleasure in the Oral stage?
  • What is the object of desire in the Oral stage?
    Mother's breast
  • What is the focus of pleasure in the Anal stage?
  • How does the child gain pleasure in the Anal stage?
    Withholding and expelling faeces
  • What is the focus of pleasure in the Phallic stage?
  • What occurs in the Latency stage?
    Earlier conflicts are repressed
  • What occurs in the Genital stage?
    Sexual desires become conscious alongside puberty
  • What is the consequence of an unresolved conflict at the Oral stage?
    Oral fixation
  • What is the consequence of an unresolved conflict at the Anal stage?
    Anal retentive or Anal expulsive
  • What is the consequence of an unresolved conflict at the Phallic stage?
    Phallic personality
  • What is the consequence of an unresolved conflict at the Genital stage?
    Difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
  • What are the three defence mechanisms used by the Ego?
    Repression, denial, displacement
  • What is each psychosexual stage marked by (except latency)?
    A conflict that must be resolved in order to progress
  • What does an unresolved conflict lead to?
  • What are defence mechanisms?
    Unconscious strategies to balance the conflict between Id and Superego