Family therapy:

Cards (2)

    • Evidence of its effectiveness
    • A review of studies McFarlane concluded that family therapy was one of the most consistently effective treatments available for schizophrenia
    • In particular relapse rates were found to be reduced, typically by 50-60%
    • Concluded that using family therapy as mental health initially starts to decline is particularly promising
    • Clinical advice from NICE recommends family therapy for everyone with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
    This means that family therapy is likely to be of benefit to people with both early and 'full-blown' schizophrenia
    • Benefits for all family members
    • Therapy is not beneficial for the identified patient but for the families that provide the bulk of care
    • A review of evidence by Lobban et al concluded that these effects are important as families provide the bulk of care
    • By strengthening the functioning of a whole family it lessens the negative impact of schizo on other family members and strengthens the ability of the family to support the person with schizophrenia
    Has wider benefits beyond the obvious positive impact on the identified patient