Restorative justice

Cards (8)

  • What is it ?
    Seeks to achieve justice by repairing the harm done by an offender rather than punishing them
    • voluntary for both parties + can be offered instead of custodial sentencing if the victim agrees
  • What are the 3 aims ?
    1. Victim feels empowered to share how they feel + reduce victimisation
    2. reduce reoffending by making them understand the effect of their behaviour
    • courage to take responsibility by offering compensation + develop empathy + show guilt
    3. victim can develop an understanding of the offender thus reducing a sense of fear + harm
  • What did watch all + mc cold state ?
    Relationships are important not just punishment
    • included the community as a third stakeholder
    • victim seeks reparation + offender must take responsibility
    • community aims to achieve reconciliation to maintain a healthy society
    • if only one stakeholder is involved the process is only partly restorative
    • peace circles
  • What are peace circles?
    ?Allow restorative justice to happen where community support is offered to victims and offenders together.
    • a supportive community can prevent crime rather than excluding them
  • Evaluation ?
    1. Benefit the economy
    2. Ik restorative justice council
    3. ethical issues
  • Benefits of economy ?
    £8 saved for every £1 spent on restorative justice(custodial costs, court, time)
    • cost of restorative justice is funded by the fines of the offender
  • Restorative justice council ?
    85% victim satisfaction from face to face meetings with offenders
    • 78% would reccomend to other victims
    • 96% states it directly increased their motivation to not offend
    - don’t receive much public support and is viewed as a ‘soft option’
  • Ethical issues
    • victim may feel worse
    • women’s air have called for a legislative ban on restorative justice in domestic abuse cases
    • victims may use their power to shame the offender