memon and highman

Subdecks (1)

Cards (19)

  • aim
    to review research into the cognitive interview
  • sample
    four clear themes identified
    • effectiveness of components
    • quality of training
    • use of comparisons
    • measured of memory performance
  • procedure
    cognitive interview is made up of contextual reinstatement, report everything, recall from a changed perspective and recall using a changed order
    conclusions drawn from a range of literature which would benefit researchers or give advice to police
  • results
    context reinstatement is most effective aspect of CI
    training into the CI should be done by the police rather than a psychologists
    warn against report everything techniques add the person is more likely to fabricate information
    advice against recall from a changed perspective as this confused the witnesses and reduces accuracy
  • suggestions
    an extensive two day program for practice in the use of CI techniques is needed
    targeted training towards those who have potential for interviewer roles to ensure CI is done effectively with more trust and confidence