
Subdecks (1)

Cards (22)

  • aim
    influence of accents on decision making
  • method
    lab experiment as a mock trial
  • sample
    119 participants from the uk (24 males, 95 females)
    psychology undergraduates from west midlands
  • procedure
    audio recording of a transcript of police interviews using a birmingham or standard english accent
    middle aged police officers and young male suspect
    manipulated the type of crime and race of suspect
    same young man doing the accents which removes EVs
  • results
    the birmingham accent rated more guilty than the standard english accent 4.7/7 and 3.62/7
    race and crime type has no significant differences (robbery = blue collar and fraud = white collar)
    blue collar crime with black suspect and birmingham accent rated more guilty
    standard english rated higher in attractiveness and superiority
  • AO2
    contributes to the understanding of perceptual biases on accent
    birmingham accent was more untrustworthy and more guilty
    can try to reduce bias by informing judges and juries of biases and train them on perceptions of superiority
  • other links
    castellow and sigall and ostrove - attractiveness
    • 20% increase in guilt for lower sentences of attractive
    • unless of juries believe this is used for their benefit