Magna Carta 1215- an agreement between nobles and the king. established the principle of the rule of law which stated that the government should also operate with the law and follow guidelines and also laws should apply equally to all citezens
Bill of Rights 1689 - established parliamentary sovereignty, meaning that Parliament is supreme over the monarch
Act of settlement1701- established the monarchs position as a ruler of england, Scotland , Wales and Ireland it also established that the rule of succession to that throne should be determined by parliament
act of union 1707- dissolved the Scottish parliament and established the union of great Brittan and Ireland
parliament act 1911 and 1949- limited the power of HOL to delay legislation for one year and also took away the houses power over financial matters
European communities act 1972 established the UK entry in the EU
EU withdrawal agreement act 2020 confirmed the Uks decision to leave the EU