Anaerobic respiration

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  • For a short period during vigorous exercise, the body's cells may not have enough oxygen
  • Aerobic respiration cannot occur and anaerobic respiration happens instead
  • Anaerobic respiration
    GlucoseLactic acid
  • Anaerobic respiration

    Releases less energy than aerobic respiration but it does this faster
  • The product of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid
  • Lactic acid builds up in muscles
    Causing pain and tiredness, which can lead to a cramp
  • After vigorous exercise
    1. People continue to breathe deeply and quickly for a short period
    2. This is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC
    3. Lactic acid reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water
    4. Releases the rest of the energy originally in the glucose
  • EPOC
    Used to be called 'oxygen debt'