Weak Central Coherence 5

    Cards (6)

    • What is central coherence?
      Ability to derive overall meaning from a mass of details (global meaning).
    • What is weak central coherence?
      Autistic people have a cognitive preference for local over global processing.
    • Frith 1989
      States WCC refers to our ability to integrate fine details into an overall pattern, to understand how elements come together in a meaningful way.
    • Shah & Frith 1993
      Tested WCC with:
      20 young people with ASD
      13 young people with learning difficulties
      17 typically developing young people
      16 typically developing children
      All shown a 2 dimensional pattern on a card.
      Had to construct the same pattern using smaller individual blocks.
      40 designs in total.
      People with ASD performed better.
    • Strengths of WCC
      Supporting evidence
      Shows benefits / positives of ASD
      Explains more characteristics than ToM
    • Weaknesses of WCC
      Origin of preference for local processing unknown
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