Cards (4)

  • This explanation changed the focus from offender being viewed as wicked and weak-minded towards a more scientific explanation, and the idea of particular types of people being more likely to commit certain crimes was a forerunner to offender profiling 
  • Explanation is poorly controlled as he didn't compare his criminal sample to a control group therefore the atavistic features that he found to be linked to a crime may just be prevalent in the non-criminal population
  • Some of the facial and cranial features that he identified as being linked to crime could have been influenced by poverty or a poor diet questioning the validity of the theory
  • Criticised for scientific racisms as many of the features that he claimed to be linked to crime are most likely to be found in those of African decent, also described criminals as being 'uncivilised, primitive and savage' and these ideas would have appeared to support the eugenic movement that was very prominent at that time so socially sensitive research