Young people in Nazi Germany

Cards (11)

  • Hitler Youth
    Youth organisations that taught loyalty to Hitler and military skills
  • Hitler Youth organisations
    • Pimpfen (The Little Fellows) (ages 6-10)
    • Jungvolk (The Young Folk) (ages 10-14)
    • Hitler-Jugend (Hitler Youth) (ages 14-18)
    • Jungmädelbund (Young Girls) (ages 10-14)
    • Bund Deutsche Madel (League of German Girls) (ages 14-18)
  • By 1938, some eight million young Germans belonged to the Hitler Youth
  • Indoctrinate
    Getting people to believe in a set of ideas
  • Hitler: 'The weak must be chiselled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be leather and as hard as krup steel.'
  • Hitler Youth training camps
    1. Learning to read maps
    2. Sports and gymnastics
    3. Taught Nazi ideas
  • On one occasion, a fourteen year old sentry standing guard at the entrance to a camp shot a ten year old boy who could not remember the password
  • Hitler Youth activities
    • Weekend trips, walking and sports
    • The League of German Girls offered some the chance to break free from the female role model of child-care and devotion to the family
  • Every youngster had a performance book in which marks for athletics, camping and fighting skills were recorded
  • Adolf Hitler Schools

    • Took boys from the Jungvolk at the age of twelve and gave them six years of tough training before sending them on to university of the army
    • The very best of these pupils went on to schools called Order Castles where they were stretched to the very limit of endurance
  • During the later 1930s, after membership became compulsory, discipline was tightened even more. Some opposition groups grew, but were harshly dealt with